2012年4月8日 星期日



Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future


鞏固這種現象的 是科技 是最近以來 快速發展的科技做出的貢獻 我的好朋友 雷.庫茨魏爾(科學家)說 任何變成資訊科技的工具 都躍上了這個摩爾定律曲線 感受科技行情在每一年 或每兩年的雙倍成長 這就是為什麼你們口袋裡的手機 比起70年代的超級電腦 還要更便宜、更快速了幾百萬倍 請看這個曲線 這是一百多年前的摩爾定律 我要你注意這曲線上的兩個東西 第一,它是十分平穩的曲綫 曲線穿越過好時期和壞時期、戰爭時期和和平時期、 經濟衰退期、低迷和繁榮時期 這是速度快的電腦 被用來創造更快速的電腦的結果 它不因爲我們面對艱鉅的挑戰而慢下來 雖然它描繪成 左邊向上發展 的對數曲線 這個是科技進步的比率 科技本身越來越先進
而維護人民健康的收費的下降 大概是其中最好的部分吧 上個月我很榮幸跟「高通基金會」(Qualcomm Foundation)一起宣布 高通"Tricorder"的「X大獎」千萬得主 我們向全球參賽者們提出挑戰 把這些全部功能 融合在一個移動式的設備裡 因為有人工智慧,所以你能對著它講話 可以對它咳嗽或是做手指血液採樣 要贏得此獎,該儀器的診斷技術 必須比公會認證的醫師團隊還要精確 想像一下這個儀器 能被用在沒有醫生的開發中國家 在那裏有25%的地區在疾病肆虐的壓力下 且只有1.3%的人是醫療保健工作者 而當這個儀器無法辨識出 所排列的RNA或DNA病毒時 它就會通報「疾病防治中心」(CDC) 進而防止疾病從該地區散播出去
這有一個最強大的力量 能帶來一個富足的世界 我稱它為「上升十億」 白色那條代表人口 我們剛通過了七十億大關 順道一提 防止人口爆炸的最大力量 就是教育 和健康 在2010年 全球還不到20億人口 有網際網路的連線 到2020年 網路使用者會從20億 躍進到50億 新加入的30億人口 之前從沒聽過網路這種東西 他們終於能跟世界對話 這些人想要什麼? 他們會接收到什麼?他們渴望什麼? 當然不是經濟的蕭條 而是要感受有史以來最繁榮的經濟 這些人意味著有幾十兆美元 投入了全球經濟市場 他們就會藉由 "Tricorder"(剛提過的診斷儀器)變健康 和藉由「可漢學院」(非營利教育組織)得到較好的教育 漸漸地能使用 3D列印技術和無限運算功能變得更有生產力
Underpinning much of this is technology, and of late, exponentially growing technologies.My good friend Ray Kurzweil showed that any tool that becomes an information technologyjumps on this curve, on Moore's Law, and experiences price performance doubling every 12 to 24 months. That's why the cellphone in your pocket is literally a million times cheaper and a thousand times faster than a supercomputer of the '70s. Now look at this curve. This is Moore's Law over the last hundred years. I want you to notice two things from this curve. Number one, how smooth it is -- through good time and bad time, war time and peace time, recession, depression and boom time. This is the result of faster computers being used to build faster computers. It doesn't slow for any of our grand challenges. And also, even though it's plotted on a log curve on the left, it's curving upwards. The rate at which the technology is getting faster is itself getting faster.
And on this curve, riding on Moore's Law, are a set of extraordinarily powerful technologiesavailable to all of us. Cloud computing, what my friends at Autodesk call infinite computing; sensors and networks; robotics; 3D printing, which is the ability to democratize and distribute personalized production around the planet; synthetic biology;fuels, vaccines and foods; digital medicine; nanomaterials; and A.I. I mean, how many of you saw the winning of Jeopardy by IBM's Watson? I mean, that was epic. In fact, I scoured the headlines looking for the best headline in a newspaper I could. And I love this: "Watson Vanquishes Human Opponents." Jeopardy's not an easy game. It's about the nuance of human language. And imagine if you would A.I.'s like this on the cloudavailable to every person with a cellphone.
And we've seen this in cellphones. My goodness, we're going to hit 70 percent penetrationof cellphones in the developing world by the end of 2013. Think about it, that a Masai warrior on a cellphone in the middle of Kenya has better mobile comm than President Reagan did 25 years ago. And if they're on a smartphone on Google, they've got access to more knowledge and information than President Clinton did 15 years ago. They're living in a world of information and communication abundance that no one could have ever predicted. Better than that, the things that you and I spent tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars for -- GPS, HD video and still images, libraries of books and music,medical diagnostic technology -- are now literally dematerializing and demonetizing into your cellphone.
Probably the best part of it is what's coming down the pike in health. Last month, I had the pleasure of announcing with Qualcomm Foundation something called the $10 million Qualcomm Tricorder X Prize. We're challenging teams around the world to basically combine these technologies into a mobile device that you can speak to, because it's got A.I., you can cough on it, you can do a finger blood prick. And to win, it needs to be able to diagnose you better than a team of board-certified doctors. So literally, imagine this devicein the middle of the developing world where there are no doctors, 25 percent of the disease burden and 1.3 percent of the health care workers. When this device sequences an RNA or DNA virus that it doesn't recognize, it calls the CDC and prevents the pandemic from happening in the first place.
But here, here is the biggest force for bringing about a world of abundance. I call it the rising billion. So the white lines here are population. We just passed the seven billion mark on Earth. And by the way, the biggest protection against a population explosion is making the world educated and healthy. In 2010, we had just short of two billion peopleonline, connected. By 2020, that's going from two billion to five billion Internet users. Three billion new minds who have never been heard from before are connecting to the global conversation. What will these people want? What will they consume? What will they desire? And rather than having economic shutdown, we're about to have the biggest economic injection ever. These people represent tens of trillions of dollars injected into the global economy. And they will get healthier by using the Tricorder, and they'll become better educated by using the Khan Academy, and by literally being able to use 3D printing and infinite computing [become] more productive than ever before.
