飲料咖啡因太高 2瓶就過量
from http://mag.udn.com/mag/life/storypage.jsp?f_MAIN_ID=211&f_SUB_ID=1719&f_ART_ID=385436
全文網址: 飲料咖啡因太高 2瓶就過量 - 飲食停看聽 - 美容養生 - udn健康醫藥 http://mag.udn.com/mag/life/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=385436#ixzz1srpd6yg5
Power By udn.com
2012年4月23日 星期一
華碩萬元平板Transformer Pad 300 5月登台有望!
華碩萬元平板Transformer Pad 300 5月登台有望!
華碩的中階「變形平板」Transformer Pad 300 近來動作頻頻,繼美國確定開賣後,似乎在台發售的腳步亦不遠,現傳聞最快在 5 月會有消息。這款產品雖為中階定位,但有高階硬體,10 吋機身搭了 Tegra 3 四核處理器,800 萬畫素照相鏡頭,價格自 379 美元起跳,另採三色供應,競爭力十足。
原文網址: 華碩萬元平板Transformer Pad 300 5月登台有望! | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2012/04/23/91-2807029.htm#ixzz1srorn9k4
原文網址: 華碩萬元平板Transformer Pad 300 5月登台有望! | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2012/04/23/91-2807029.htm#ixzz1srorn9k4
A Quixotic Quest to Mine Asteroids 一種堂吉訶德式的開採小行星的任務
A Quixotic Quest to Mine Asteroids
The venture, called Planetary Resources Inc., revealed little in a press release this week except to say that it would "overlay two critical sectors—space exploration and natural resources—to add trillions of dollars to the global GDP" and "help ensure humanity's prosperity." The company is formally unveiling its plans at an event Tuesday in Seattle.
Asus Transformer Pad TF300T
Asus Transformer Pad TF300T
With its newest 10-inch tablet, the Transformer Pad TF300T ($379 list 16GB; $399, 32GB), Asus eschews major hardware and design upgrades, opting instead for incremental improvements and a more value-focused remix of an existing tablet. The TF300T is a more affordable version of the current Eee Pad Transformer Prime ($499, 4 stars). Inside, you'll still find the quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3 processor that made the Prime the fastest Android device to come through our labs. But some of the premium features like the aluminum back and Super IPS+ display are absent—and the price is $100 lower to compensate. The TF300T is still one of the fastest tablets available, but it doesn't quite have the chops to topple the New Apple iPad ($499, 4.5 stars) as the best 10-inch tablet on the block. Solid performance, the latest Android OS, and signature keyboard dock make the TF300T a solid iPad alternative, but we're still waiting for a spectacular Android tablet to blow us away.
Me and my data: how much do the internet giants 我和我的數據 really know?
Me and my data: how much do the internet giants really know?
James Ball discovered that the information Google and Facebook hold on him is disturbing but also comforting Making sense of the huge amount of information companies such as Google keep about us is no easy task. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA\
To briefly state the obvious, the internet giants are seriously big: Google is not only the world's largest search engine, it's one of the top threeemail providers, a social network, and owner of the Blogger platform and the world's largest video site, YouTube. Facebook has the social contacts, messages, wallposts and photos of more than 750 million people.
Given that such information could be used to sell us stuff, accessed by government or law enforcement bodies (perhaps without warrants, under legal changes), or – theoretically, at least – picked up by hackers or others, it's not unreasonable to wonder exactly how much the internet giants know about us.
YouTube loses music clip copyright battle in court
YouTube loses music clip copyright battle in court
from http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/apr/20/youtube-music-clip-copyright-court?newsfeed=true
German court rules that YouTube must take down copyrighted music clips - a move which could lead to royalty payments
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