2010年11月2日 星期二

Cyclic and Linear Time in Early India - patterns of time

These others were ignored, perhaps because they were less known to European scholarship; perhaps because if Indian civilisation were to be characterised by an absence of history it would become all the more necessary that Indian history be 'discovered' through the research of scholars who came to be labelled as Orientalists.

Repeating cycles would repeat events.This minimised the signficance of human activities.

the scale of the lunar day, the tithi, with its multiple sub-divisions, muhurta.

Hellenistic kingdoms
kalpa 劫 4320 million years ,43億2千萬年

Hindu units of measurement
This was initially a five-year cycle.
太陽會從南到北被稱為 Uttarayana - 太陽正朝著北方,當它到達北向南移動啟動,它被稱為 Dakshinayana - 太陽正朝著南方

1. cosmological time, historical time

2. the creators of myths, the chroniclers of kings, the collectors of taxes and those who pay them

3. cyclic and linear time in early India

4. Equally evocative is the projection of time as that which directs and regulates the universe.

1. Time was the creator, begetting the sky and the earth, the wathers and the sun.

2. Time was ultimate cause lying between heaven and earth and weaving the past, present and futureacross space.

Samarangana Sutradhara is an encyclopedic work on classical Indian architecture (Vastu Shastra) written by Paramara King Bhoja of Dhar (1000-1055 AD).


3. Kuru

eras 紀元 年號
epigraphic annals of various dynasties 金石學各個朝代紀事



* 2010-11-02 10:07
* 時報資訊
* 【時報記者何美如台北報導】

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* 2010-11-02 08:47
* 時報資訊
* 【時報-台北電】

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Marvin Minsky on health and the human mind 2003

Marvin Minsky on health and the human mind

Listen closely -- Marvin Minsky's arch, eclectic, charmingly offhand talk on health, overpopulation and the human mind is packed with subtlety: wit, wisdom and just an ounce of wily, is-he-joking? advice.

史蒂芬品克粉筆它到空白石板 Steven Pinker chalks it up to the blank slate 2003

Steven Pinker's book The Blank Slate argues that all humans are born with some innate traits. Here, Pinker talks about his thesis, and why some people found it incredibly upsetting.

羅德尼布魯克斯說,機器人將入侵我們的生活 Rodney Brooks says robots will invade our lives 2003


In this prophetic talk from 2003, roboticist Rodney Brooks talks about how robots are going to work their way into our lives -- starting with toys and moving into household chores ... and beyond.
在這個談話從 2003年預言,機器人專家羅德尼布魯克斯談如何機器人將要工作的方式進入我們的生活 - 開始玩具和遷入家務 ...和超越。

卡恩斯學習多麗絲古德溫從過去的總統 Doris Kearns Goodwin on learning from past presidents 2008


Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin talks about what we can learn from American presidents, including Abraham Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson. Then she shares a moving memory of her own father, and of their shared love of baseball.

Gregory Petsko on the coming neurological epidemic 2008

Gregory Petsko on the coming neurological epidemic

Biochemist Gregory Petsko makes a convincing argument that, in the next 50 years, we'll see an epidemic of neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's, as the world population ages. His solution: more research into the brain and its functions.

生物化學家格雷戈里Petsko作出令人信服的論點是,在未來 50年,我們將看到一個流行的神經系統疾病,如阿爾茨海默氏症,隨著世界人口的老齡化。 他的解決辦法:把更多的研究大腦及其功能。

Kary Mullis celebrates the experiment 雨霏穆利斯慶祝實驗 2002

Kary Mullis celebrates the experiment

Biochemist Kary Mullis talks about the basis of modern science: the experiment. Sharing tales from the 17th century and from his own backyard-rocketry days, Mullis celebrates the curiosity, inspiration and rigor of good science in all its forms.
生物化學雨霏穆利斯談到了現代科學的基礎:實驗。 分享故事從 17世紀,從他自己的後院,火箭天穆利斯慶祝的好奇心,良好的靈感和嚴謹科學的一切形式。

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on flow 米哈伊森特米哈伊流動 2004

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on flow

Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi asks, "What makes a life worth living?" Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of "flow."

米哈伊Czikszentmihalyi問:“什麼使人生值得一活?” 注意到金錢不能使我們開心,他期待著那些誰找到持久的快樂和滿意的活動,使一個國家的“流”。

Kary Mullis celebrates the experiment

Kary Mullis celebrates the experiment

Biochemist Kary Mullis talks about the basis of modern science: the experiment. Sharing tales from the 17th century and from his own backyard-rocketry days, Mullis celebrates the curiosity, inspiration and rigor of good science in all its forms.

Barry Schwartz on our loss of wisdom

Barry Schwartz on our loss of wisdom

Barry Schwartz makes a passionate call for "practical wisdom" as an antidote to a society gone mad with bureaucracy. He argues powerfully that rules often fail us, incentives often backfire, and practical, everyday wisdom will help rebuild our world.

Dan Dennett: Cute, sexy, sweet, funny 丹丹尼特:可愛,性感,甜蜜,滑稽 2009

Dan Dennett: Cute, sexy, sweet, funny

為什麼是嬰兒可愛嗎? 為什麼是甜的蛋糕? 哲學家丹尼特丹已經回答你不會想到,因為他的股票演變的直覺推理可愛,甜美和性感的事(加上一個新的理論來自馬修赫爾利為什麼笑話的好笑)。
Why are babies cute? Why is cake sweet? Philosopher Dan Dennett has answers you wouldn't expect, as he shares evolution's counterintuitive reasoning on cute, sweet and sexy things (plus a new theory from Matthew Hurley on why jokes are funny).

Michael Merzenich on re-wiring the brain 邁克爾梅策尼希關於重新佈線的大腦 2004

Michael Merzenich on re-wiring the brain

Neuroscientist Michael Merzenich looks at one of the secrets of the brain's incredible power: its ability to actively re-wire itself. He's researching ways to harness the brain's plasticity to enhance our skills and recover lost function.
神經科學家邁克爾梅策尼希著眼於一體的秘密大腦的不可思議的力量:它的能力,積極重新導線本身。 他的研究方法,充分利用大腦的可塑性,以提高我們的技能和恢復丟失的功能

Diane Benscoter on how cults rewire the brain 邪教如何控制大腦 2009

Diane Benscoter on how cults rewire the brain

黛安本斯科特花了五年時間作為“夢尼。” 她分享內幕的角度上考慮邪教成員,並提出了一種新的方式去思考當今最令人不安的衝突和極端主義運動。

Diane Benscoter spent five years as a "Moonie." She shares an insider's perspective on the mind of a cult member, and proposes a new way to think about today's most troubling conflicts and extremist movements.

Nancy Etcoff on the surprising science of happiness 南希艾特考夫的驚人的幸福科學 2004

Nancy Etcoff on the surprising science of happiness

Cognitive researcher Nancy Etcoff looks at happiness -- the ways we try to achieve and increase it, the way it's untethered to our real circumstances, and its surprising effect on our bodies.

認知研究人員南希艾特考夫看幸福 - 我們嘗試的方式實現和提高IT的方式它不受限制我們的實際情況,其驚人的效果對我們的身體。

羅伯特 Sapolsky:人類的獨特之處 Robert Sapolsky: The uniqueness of humans

羅伯特 Sapolsky:人類的獨特之處
At Stanford University, primatologist Robert Sapolsky offers a fascinating and funny look at human behaviors which the rest of the animal kingdom would consider bizarre.

在斯坦福大學的靈長類動物學家羅伯特 Sapolsky提供了一個迷人而有趣的看人類行為而其餘的動物王國會考慮怪異。

Sendhil Mullainathan: Solving social problems with a nudge 解決社會問題的一個輕推

Sendhil Mullainathan: Solving social problems with a nudge

MacArthur winner Sendhil Mullainathan uses the lens of behavioral economics to study a tricky set of social problems -- those we know how to solve, but don't. We know how to reduce child deaths due to diarrhea, how to prevent diabetes-related blindness and how to implement solar-cell technology ... yet somehow, we don't or can't. Why?

麥克阿瑟冠軍 Sendhil Mullainathan使用鏡頭的行為經濟學研究的一個棘手的社會問題集 - 那些我們知道如何解決,但沒有。 我們知道如何降低兒童因腹瀉死亡的,如何預防糖尿病有關的盲目性,如何實現太陽能電池技術 ... 但不知何故,我們沒有或不能。 為什麼呢?

Pawan Sinha on how brains learn to see 大腦學習如何看 2009

Pawan Sinha on how brains learn to see

Pawan Sinha details his groundbreaking research into how the brain's visual system develops. Sinha and his team provide free vision-restoring treatment to children born blind, and then study how their brains learn to interpret visual data. The work offers insights into neuroscience, engineering and even autism.

爬完辛哈詳細敘述了他的開創性研究探討如何在大腦的視覺系統發展。 辛哈和他的團隊免費提供視覺的恢復治療,所生的子女盲,然後研究如何學習他們的大腦視覺數據來解釋。 這項工作提供了洞察神經科學,工程,甚至是孤獨症。

Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with music 鮑比麥費林黑客你的大腦與音樂 2009

Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with music

In this fun, 3-min performance from the World Science Festival, musician Bobby McFerrin uses the pentatonic scale to reveal one surprising result of the way our brains are wired.


Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory 這個謎語的經驗對比記憶 2010

Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory

Using examples from vacations to colonoscopies, Nobel laureate and founder of behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman reveals how our "experiencing selves" and our "remembering selves" perceive happiness differently. This new insight has profound implications for economics, public policy -- and our own self-awareness.

利用寒暑假回結腸鏡檢查的例子,從諾貝爾獎得主,行為經濟學的創始人丹尼爾卡尼曼揭示我們的“體驗自我”和我們的“記憶自我”感知幸福是不同的。 這些新的理解有著深刻的含義,經濟學,公共政策 - 和我們自己的自我意識。

Eric Mead: The magic of the placebo 埃里克米德:神奇的安慰劑 2009

Eric Mead: The magic of the placebo

Sugar pills, injections of nothing -- studies show that, more often than you'd expect, placebos really work. At TEDMED, magician Eric Mead does a trick to prove that, even when you know something's not real, you can still react as powerfully as if it is. (Warning: This talk is not suitable for viewers who are disturbed by needles or blood.)


Viktor Frankl: Why to believe in others 維克多弗蘭克:為什麼要相信他人

Viktor Frankl: Why to believe in others

In this rare clip from 1972, legendary psychiatrist and Holocaust-survivor Viktor Frankl delivers a powerful message about the human search for meaning -- and the most important gift we can give others.

在這難得的剪輯從 1972年,傳奇精神病學家和大屠殺,倖存者維克多弗蘭克提供了一個強大的信息搜索有關人類的意義 - 而最重要的禮物,我們可以給別人。

Jeremy Rifkin on "the empathic civilization" 傑里米里夫金 “移情文明” 2010

Jeremy Rifkin on "the empathic civilization"

In this talk from RSA Animate, bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways it has shaped human development and society.
