2013年7月16日 星期二



聽著,你到一所過去 50 年都失敗的學校 你說,「那,你有什麼計劃?」 他們說,「我們會,我們要 跟去年一樣。」 這是什麼經營模式? 以前銀行都只從上午十點開到下午三點 他們十點到三點營業他們還有午間休息 到底誰會在十點到三點間去銀行?無業遊民! 他們不需要去銀行他們根本沒錢存銀行 是誰創造了這樣的營運模式?對吧? 而這居然持續了數十年你知道為什麼嗎?因為他們不在乎 這與客戶無關 這跟銀行家有關他們創造對自己有用的模式你在上班的時候 要怎麼去銀行?誰管你 他們才不管傑夫會不會生氣 反正他也不會去銀行讓他去找別間銀行吧 每間銀行都是同樣的模式。對吧? 直到有一天有個瘋狂銀行家有個想法或許我們應該讓銀行開到大家下班以後 客戶應該會喜歡這點吧?那星期六呢? 要不要引進科技?
所以科技進步了,情況不同了 但教育卻依然一樣。為什麼? 為什麼我們還在以老式電話時代還有人感染小兒麻痺變成瘸子的時代 那些老方法 來教導我們的孩子呢? 而且如果你提出一個計劃要改變事情 大家就覺得你很極端 他們會以最壞的話來攻擊你 我說有一天,嗯,聽好,如果科學說—— 這是科學的證據,不是我隨口說說——就是我們最貧窮的孩子 會在暑假時嚴重落後—— 你知道你在六月看到他們來學校你說很好,他們都還來上學 到了九月你再去看他們,他們都不見了 你大叫,哇!所以我在75年聽到這現象 當時我在哈佛的教育學院 我說,「喔,哇,這是很重要的研究。」 因為這顯示我們該為之做點什麼 (笑聲) 每隔十年他們就會提出同樣的研究報告 總是說著同樣的事情 窮小孩到了夏天就落後了 教育體制決定你不能在夏天開學
現在你會送小孩去幼稚園 我們知道那對小孩很重要 窮人家的小孩需要那種經驗 沒有。很多地方都沒有這東西 我們知道健保很重要 你知道,我們提供健保 大家總是對我吵來吵去,你知道 因為我是負責人又有資料 還有那些好東西,但我們有提供健保 而我得去募很多錢 以前大家在資助我們時都會這樣說 「傑夫,你為什麼要提供健保?」 我常常要編一些理由。是吧我會說,「呃,你知道一個孩子 有蛀牙的話就,呃, 學習效果不好。」 而我一定要胡扯,因為我得募款 但現在我老了點你知道我會跟他們說什麼嗎? 你知道我為什麼要提供健保給孩子? 還有育樂、藝術活動嗎? 因為我真的很喜歡小孩 我是真的喜歡小孩(笑聲)(鼓掌)
那麼還有另外一件事 我是個喜歡測驗的人我相信你需要數據,你需要資料 因為如果你正在做某計畫而你認為這會成功 而你發現其實並不成功 我是說,你們是教育家你教小孩,你說 你認為你教成功了,好棒!其實不然?你發現孩子們就是不懂 但這是學力評估測驗的問題 我們作測驗的時間 我們下週即將在紐約作學力測驗 通常在四月 你知道你什麼時候才會拿到結果? 可能是七月。可能是六月 而且這結果有很棒的資料 資料上會告訴你小明真的有困難學習 不會做兩位數乘法——好棒的資料 但你拿到這資料的時候學年已經結束了 所以你會怎麼做? 放假去也!(笑聲) 等你從假期回來 現在你拿到的測驗結果都是上學年的了 你看都不看一眼 何必要看? 你已經去教新學年的班了 所以我們到底花了多少錢在這些測驗上? 幾十億美金 在那些來得太晚無用的資料上 我九月就需要那項資料 我十一月就需要那項資料 我必須知道你在努力掙扎我必須知道 我到底有沒有幫助到你 我這星期就該知道 我不要在學年末,當一切都太遲的時後才知道這些事
傑:嗯,你知道,我們這個國家 有個爛攤子,這些孩子就是這群孩子 這群弱勢孩子,你把他們送進學校 他們的輟學率總是創歷史新高 所以我們必須想辦法真的設計出 一套支援網絡給孩子,在各方面 模仿好家長的角色 他們會煩你,對吧?他們打電話問你 「我要看你的成績單。上次你考得怎樣? 你在說什麼?要離開學校? 你不想回來了?」 所以我那群孩子知道你回不了哈林 因為傑夫要找你 他們會說,「我真的不能回來。」不行,你最好待在學校 但我真的不是在說笑 這跟堅毅力有點關係 當孩子知道你拒絕他們失敗 這給他們施加了不太一樣的壓力 他們因此不會輕易放棄 所以有時候他們並不是出自內心 他們會說,像是,「你知道,我並不想做這個, 但是我知道我媽會很生氣。」 沒錯,那對孩子很重要而且幫助孩子渡過難關 我們除了試著創造一套策略來輔導 幫助及支持他們同時也有一套鼓勵的方法 對他們說,「你辦得到。是很難, 但我們不會讓你失敗。」
Look, you go into a place that's failed kids for 50 years, and you say, "So what's the plan?"And they say, "We'll, we're going to do what we did last year this year." What kind of business model is that? Banks used to open and operate between 10 and 3. They operated 10 to 3. They were closed for lunch hour. Now, who can bank between 10 and 3? The unemployed. They don't need banks. They got no money in the banks. Who created that business model? Right? And it went on for decades. You know why? Because they didn't care. It wasn't about the customers. It was about bankers. They created something that worked for them. How could you go to the bank when you were at work? It didn't matter.And they don't care whether or not Geoff is upset he can't go to the bank. Go find another bank. They all operate the same way. Right? Now, one day, some crazy banker had an idea. Maybe we should keep the bank open when people come home from work. They might like that. What about a Saturday? What about introducing technology?
So technology has changed. Things have changed. Yet not in education. Why? Why is it that when we had rotary phones, when we were having folks being crippled by polio, that we were teaching the same way then that we're doing right now? And if you come up with a plan to change things, people consider you radical. They will say the worst things about you. I said one day, well, look, if the science says -- this is science, not me -- that our poorest children lose ground in the summertime -- You see where they are in June and say, okay, they're there. You look at them in September, they've gone down. You say, whoo! So I heard about that in '75 when I was at the Ed School at Harvard. I said, "Oh, wow, this is an important study." Because it suggests we should do something. (Laughter) Every 10 years they reproduce the same study. It says exactly the same thing: Poor kids lose ground in the summertime. The system decides you can't run schools in the summer.
Now, you take pre-kindergarten. We know it's important for kids. Poor kids need that experience. Nope. Lots of places, it doesn't exist. We know health services matter. You know, we provide health services and people are always fussing at me about, you know,because I'm all into accountability and data and all of that good stuff, but we do health services, and I have to raise a lot of money. People used to say when they'd come fund us,"Geoff, why do you provide these health services?" I used to make stuff up. Right? I'd say, "Well, you know a child who has cavities is not going to, uh, be able to study as well." And I had to because I had to raise the money. But now I'm older, and you know what I tell them?You know why I provide kids with those health benefits and the sports and the recreation and the arts? Because I actually like kids. I actually like kids. (Laughter) (Applause)
So here's the other thing. I'm a tester guy. I believe you need data, you need information,because you work at something, you think it's working, and you find out it's not working. I mean, you're educators. You work, you say, you think you've got it, great, no? And you find out they didn't get it. But here's the problem with testing. The testing that we do -- we're going to have our test in New York next week — is in April. You know when we're going to get the results back? Maybe July, maybe June. And the results have great data. They'll tell you Raheem really struggled, couldn't do two-digit multiplication -- so great data, but you're getting it back after school is over. And so, what do you do? You go on vacation. (Laughter)You come back from vacation. Now you've got all of this test data from last year. You don't look at it. Why would you look at it? You're going to go and teach this year. So how much money did we just spend on all of that? Billions and billions of dollars for data that it's too late to use. I need that data in September. I need that data in November. I need to know you're struggling, and I need to know whether or not what I did corrected that. I need to know that this week. I don't need to know that at the end of the year when it's too late.
So here's the other issue that I just think we've got to be concerned about. We can't stifle innovation in our business. We have to innovate. And people in our business get mad about innovation. They get angry if you do something different. If you try something new, people are always like, "Ooh, charter schools." Hey, let's try some stuff. Let's see. This stuff hasn't worked for 55 years. Let's try something different. And here's the rub. Some of it's not going to work. You know, people tell me, "Yeah, those charter schools, a lot of them don't work."A lot of them don't. They should be closed. I mean, I really believe they should be closed.But we can't confuse figuring out the science and things not working with we shouldn't therefore do anything. Right? Because that's not the way the world works.
GC: Well, you know, one of the bad problems we have in this country is these kids, the same kids, these same vulnerable kids, when you get them in school, they drop out in record numbers. And so we've figured out that you've got to really design a network of support for these kids that in many ways mimics what a good parent does. They harass you, right? They call you, they say, "I want to see your grades. How'd you do on that last test? What are you talking about that you want to leave school? And you're not coming back here." So a bunch of my kids know you can't come back to Harlem because Geoff is looking for you. They're like, "I really can't come back." No. You'd better stay in school. But I'm not kidding about some of this, and it gets a little bit to the grit issue. When kids know that you refuse to let them fail, it puts a different pressure on them, and they don't give up as easy. So sometimes they don't have it inside, and they're, like, "You know, I don't want to do this, but I know my mother's going to be mad." Well, that matters to kids, and it helps get them through. We try to create a set of strategies that gets them tutoring and help and support, but also a set of encouragements that say to them, "You can do it. It is going to be hard, but we refuse to let you fail."