Nongraded Schools - Brief Definition, Development of Graded Education, Search for Other Models, Research Findings This entry will seek to identify and clarify the opposite of graded schools, for which the term nongraded schools is used. Although there are secondary schools that also seek to develop nongraded structures, the primary beneficiaries of the arrangement are children at the elementary school level.
混齡學校 - 簡短定義,分級教學的發展,搜尋其他模型,研究發現,此項目將尋求確定和澄清分級學校的對立面,用於術語非分級( nongraded )學校。雖然有中學,也尋求發展非分級( nongraded )結構,安排的主要受益者是孩子在小學水平。
Brief Definition
Briefly, nongradedness is defined in terms of respect for, and optimism about, individual differences. It calls for the provision of a pleasurable, challenging, and rewarding learning atmosphere where there are maximum opportunities for productive interaction between the learners. Within a nongraded setting the curriculum is both integrated and flexible. Similarly the timetable for the academic progress of each unique child is flexible. The learning of facts, although important, is recognized as subordinate to the mastery of concepts and methods of inquiry. The assessment of students is holistic and individualized, and evaluation is continuous, comprehensive, and diagnostic. The entire program within the nongraded setting, especially if there is a team of teachers involved, is more under the control of the teacher(s) than is the case in grade-structured situations. Research and experience generally support the conclusion that pupils in nongraded settings work harder, albeit more comfortably, and achieve more and better results than graded students do. There is also rather strong research evidence that children in nongraded settings enjoy better physical and emotional health.
簡言之,混齡教學( non-gradedness )被定義在尊重,持樂觀態度,個體差異。
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Development of Graded Education
Graded education was introduced and developed during the years 1848 to 1870, beginning with the Quincy Grammar School in Boston. The Quincy school came into being largely to provide a manageable school organization at a time when schooling in expanding cities became a much larger enterprise than had existed in the familiar one-room school serving pupils of multiple ages. It also grew out of assumptions that undergirded and made possible efforts toward universal education. Because little was known or believed in those years about stages of human development and the unevenness of readiness within age groups, the assumption was made that students may logically be grouped together by age, or actually within a twelve-month span, and taught a specific and common body of skills and subject matter.
Well into the twentieth century, the patterns of fairly rigid gradedness, with attendant nonpromotion/promotion practices, launched at the Quincy school became, in effect, universal. All the same, at that point in social history the system was in fact a significant and creative advance, appropriate to the assumptions and perceptions involved. The teachers were usually quite uneducated and insufficiently trained, and therefore there evolved the system of requiring them to master only a one-year segment of the educational program. In this way, a form of primitive specialization occurred. There was also a pattern of very strict supervision by the employers.
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Search for Other Models
Before long, the disadvantages of the graded system's rigidity had become apparent, and by the end of the nineteenth century there were various efforts to create different schooling models and achieve greater flexibility. These efforts continued well into the twentieth century, handicapped to some extent by the publishing industry's success in producing agegraded textbook series that made it easier for teachers to manage their work. In the same period, socalled normal schools and later, colleges, produced teachers whose preparation assumed that each would work alone in a self-contained classroom and, except for those in smaller multigraded schools, with materials deemed suitable for one age-group of children.
Along with the search for more appropriate, flexible, and child-oriented arrangements to replace the entrenched gradedness, several influential and helpful developments occurred. Progressive education was very likely the most dramatic example. Also influential were some well-known examples of nongradedness in Europe, which in the 1920s caused many venturesome American teachers, especially from cities in Wisconsin and New York, to visit pilot programs that were located in Jena, Germany, and in several cities in Holland. Some of these programs continue to flourish in the early twenty-first century.
這些努力一直持續到二十世紀,出版業的成功生產年齡分級( age-graded )系列教材,使教師更容易管理他們的工作在一定程度上傷殘。
在同一時期,所謂正常的學校後,大學院校,教師準備假設每個單獨工作在自足教室,除了為那些在較小混齡 ( multigraded )學校,教材被認為是合適的一個年齡組的兒童。
隨著搜索到取代根深蒂固的分級制( gradedness ),更合適的,靈活的,以兒童為本安排,發生了幾個有影響力的和有益的發展。
進步主義教育很可能是最生動的例子。也有影響的混齡教學( non-gradedness )歐洲一些著名的例子,在20世紀20年代造成了許多冒險的美國教師,尤其是在威斯康星州和紐約城市,位於德國耶拿,訪問控制的方案,並在幾個城市在荷蘭。其中一些方案在早期的二十一世紀繼續發揚光大。
Over the years the label "nongraded" proved to be slightly confusing and insufficiently informative, and scholars and administrators found that labels such as "continuous progress" were more descriptive. Beginning with milestone research and related articles by Walter Rehwoldt and Warren W. Hamilton in 1956 and 1957, the discussion of nongradedness increasingly involved reference to interage or intergrade grouping, for which the term multiage was soon frequently substituted. Also in the 1950s, the nation's first experience with formally organized team teaching, and with a related notion, the use of teacher aides/helpers, redefined the organizational framework within which, it was increasingly argued with the support of research evidence, a demonstrably preferable setting could be provided not only for the pupils but also for the collaborating adults who worked with them.
Some elementary schools chose to organize classes in a pattern similar to departmentalization, with each teacher responsible for one content area, such as math or social studies; but it was not until 1957 when there was a sudden burst of interest, nurtured by seventeen universities being funded by Ford Foundation grants to support teacher-teaming and related arrangements, that the virtues of self-containment came to be seriously questioned. Some of the funded model projects, which soon sparked nationwide interest, called for aggregating multiage pupil groups (e.g., children six to seven and eight years of age) to be taught by teams of four to eight collaborating teachers. This development led to a kind of architectural revolution, because standard-size classrooms could no longer accommodate various-sized pupil aggregations. It is of interest to note that, as of the beginning of the twenty-first century, it seems probable that a great many elementary schools continue to provide at least some space flexibility to accommodate teaming arrangements.
多年來“非分級( nongraded )”的標籤被證明是略顯混亂,不夠翔實,學者和管理員發現,更具描述性的標籤,如“不斷進步”。
具有里程碑式的研究及相關文章由Walter Rehwoldt的沃倫·漢密爾頓在1956年和1957年開始,越來越多地參與討論混齡教學( non-gradedness )參考跨年齡( inter-age )或跨年級( intergrade )分組,長期multiage很快就被頻繁地取代。
有些資助的示範項目,很快引發了全國范圍內的興趣,稱為聚集混齡( multiage )的學生被教導隊四到八個合作教師小組(如兒童六,七,八歲)。
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Glen Heathers - 1972 - Interchange
William P McLoughlin - 1972 - International Review of Education
Robert H Anderson - 1964 - Review of Educational Research