Me and my data: how much do the internet giants really know?
James Ball discovered that the information Google and Facebook hold on him is disturbing but also comforting Making sense of the huge amount of information companies such as Google keep about us is no easy task. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA\
To briefly state the obvious, the internet giants are seriously big: Google is not only the world's largest search engine, it's one of the top threeemail providers, a social network, and owner of the Blogger platform and the world's largest video site, YouTube. Facebook has the social contacts, messages, wallposts and photos of more than 750 million people.
Given that such information could be used to sell us stuff, accessed by government or law enforcement bodies (perhaps without warrants, under legal changes), or – theoretically, at least – picked up by hackers or others, it's not unreasonable to wonder exactly how much the internet giants know about us.