2010年11月6日 星期六

Misconceptions About The Cost of American Higher Education 美國高等教育成本的錯誤概念

Misconceptions About The Cost of American Higher Education

It is a well-known and highly publicized fact that the cost of higher education has been rising over the past few decades at a pace that exceeds the rate of general inflation in the United States. This is a serious matter and cause for concern and analysis. Alarmist critics of higher education, whose favorite game is to project the cost of tuition at the highest priced universities over the next 20 years, hinder refined analysis of the problem. They produce frightening annual cost estimates: two decades from now, an Ivy League education will put families out $170,000 a year and a staggering $625,000 for a four-year education1. Such numbers can only make parents of small children sick to their stomachs and persuade them that unless something drastic is done to these universities, no one but the super-rich will be able to afford such an education.
