2013年8月14日 星期三

Quality Assurance in Education

Quality Assurance in Education

Yin Cheong Cheng, (Director and Professor and Wai Ming Tam is Lecturer at The Centre for Research and Development, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong), Wai Ming Tam, (Lecturer at The Centre for Research and Development, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

Suggests that there is a strong emphasis on the pursuit of education quality in ongoing educational reforms in both local and international contexts. Policies issued to implement educational changes for education quality often fail because of lack of comprehensive understanding of the complex nature of education quality in schools or higher education institutions. Introduces seven models of quality in education: the goals and specifications model; the resources input model; the process model; the satisfaction model; the legitimacy model; the absence of problems model; and the organizational learning model. Concludes that these models can form a comprehensive framework for understanding and conceptualizing quality in education from different perspectives and facilitating development of management strategies for achieving it. The framework can contribute to ongoing policy discussion, school practice, and research development on issues of quality in education institutions.

