Julian Treasure: :5種令傾聽更有效的方法
Julian Treasure: 5 ways to
listen better
在我們聲息日益高漲的世界裡,聲音專家Julian Treasure說道: 「我們正在失去傾聽的能力。
第一: 是沉默( The first one is silence.)
第二,我稱此為混合器。 Second, I call this the mixer.
第三,這項練習我稱之為品嚐 Third, this exercise I call savoring,
and this is a beautiful exercise.
第四, 這是聆聽的位置 The next exercise
is probably the most important of all of these,
if you just take one thing away.
This is listening positions --
the idea that you can move your listening position
to what's appropriate to what you're listening to.
最後,一個縮寫 And finally, an acronym.