2012年4月9日 星期一

The Khan Academy

The Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We're a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere.
All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. The Khan Academy's materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge.

可汗學院Khan Academy)是由印度裔美國人薩爾曼·可汗創立的一家教育性非營利組織。主旨在於利用網路影片進行免費授課,現有關於數學、歷史、金融、物理、化學、生物、天文學等科目的內容,教學影片超過2000段。機構標語:「我們的使命是加快各年齡學生的學習速度。」(wiki)
