David Brooks:社群動物
紐約時報專欄作家 David Brooks 在新書中描寫認知科學中對人性的新發現,包含經濟、政治和我們的自我認知。在這篇幽默機智的演講中,他解釋為何我們不能把人們當做以獨立自覺做出選擇的孤立個體。
2011年5月9日 星期一
2011年5月7日 星期六
Ric Elias:墜機讓我學到的三件事
2009年一月,當機號 1549 飛機迫降紐約哈德遜河,Ric Elias 正坐在第一排。在墜機的當下,他的心中在想甚麼?在 TED,他第一次在公開場合說出他的故事。
2011年5月5日 星期四
Carlo Ratti: Architecture that senses and responds
Carlo Ratti: Architecture that senses and responds
With his team at SENSEable City Lab, MIT's Carlo Ratti makes cool things by sensing the data we create. He pulls from passive data sets -- like the calls we make, the garbage we throw away -- to create surprising visualizations of city life. And he and his team create dazzling interactive environments from moving water and flying light, powered by simple gestures caught through sensors.
With his team at SENSEable City Lab, MIT's Carlo Ratti makes cool things by sensing the data we create. He pulls from passive data sets -- like the calls we make, the garbage we throw away -- to create surprising visualizations of city life. And he and his team create dazzling interactive environments from moving water and flying light, powered by simple gestures caught through sensors.
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